(302) 703-0727

(302) 703-0727

Delaware Mortgage Rates Update for Week of December 5, 2011

John Thomas December 6, 2011 Tags: , , ,

Delaware Mortgage Rates Update for the Week of December 5, 2011

Delaware mortgage rates have stayed at all time low levels for the past two weeks as the bond market has been held up by a level of support in anticipation of the Federal Reserve starting QE3 in the first quarter of 2012. QE3 would be the Federal Reserve purchasing mortgage-backed securities in the hopes of keeping mortgage rates near historic lows.

I am recommending locking your Delaware mortgage rate if closing in the next 7-10 business days. If you are closing in the next 30-60 days you can float interest rate. If you need to apply for a Delaware mortgage loan for the purchase or refinance of a home in Delaware, PA or Maryland call us at 302-703-0727 or APPLY ONLINE. Keep Reading...

Delaware Conventional Loan Limits for 2012

John Thomas December 6, 2011 Tags:

Delaware Conventional loan limits for 2012 have been released. Fannie Mae’s loan limits for 2012 for all conventional mortgage loans have been issued by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) for all loans to be acquired by Fannie Mae in 2012. These maximum conforming loan limits will remain at existing levels.

First Mortgage Loan Limits for Delaware

New Castle County, Kent County, and Sussex County

1 Unit $417,000
2 Unit $533,850
3 Unit $645,300
4 Unit $801,950

Second Mortgage Loan Limit is $208,500.

If you need to apply for a Delaware mortgage loan you can call our office at 302-703-0727 or you can APPLY ONLINE. Keep Reading...

Delaware Mortgage Rates Weekly Update – November 28, 2011

John Thomas November 29, 2011 Tags: ,

Delaware mortgage rates weekly update for November 28, 2011.

Here is the video update for Delaware mortgage rates for the week of 11-28-2011:

Delaware Mortgage Rates were able to shrug off the move toward higher rates last week as they rallied today on news that the Federal Reserve might be instituting QE3 with the purchase of 454 Billion in mortgage-backed securities (MBS). Even though the stock market rallied over 200 points MBS market rallied back and home loan rates inched back down to the lowest rates in history. Now is the time to refinance or purchase a home in Delaware. Keep Reading...

Delaware HARP Program Changes for refinancing October 2011

John Thomas November 28, 2011 Tags: ,

Delaware HARP Refinance Loans for a conventional mortgage that underwater has some positive changes as of October 2011.

In October, President Obama announced plans to open up refinancing to more homeowners who are underwater. This proposal was a revision of the current Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP).

So what does this mean to you?

This means that if your mortgage is owned or guaranteed by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, you may be eligible to refinance your mortgage under the enhanced and expanded provisions of HARP. Keep Reading...

City of Wilmington Home Buyer Assistance Program HAP Delaware

John Thomas November 26, 2011 Tags:


Please look into the following down payment programs that are still available in Wilmington, Delaware:

PRMI Dream Maker Down Payment Program for up to 3.5% of the purchase price

DSHA SMAL Loan Program for up to $8,000

DSHA Advantage 4 Grant Program for 4% of loan amount

City of Wilmington Home Buyer Assistance Program HAP

The City of Wilmington has a Homebuyer Assistance Program (HAP) that provides a deferred loan for up to $10,000 to qualified homebuyers to purchase homes in the City of Wilmington Delaware within the 19801, 19802, and 19805 zip codes. You can apply or get more information by calling 302-703-0727.  This is a Delaware down payment assistance program.  You can also APPLY ONLINE Keep Reading...

Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar – December 17, 2011

John Thomas November 17, 2011 Tags: , , ,

Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar

There will be a Free Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Saturday, December 17, 2011, at 10:00 AM till Noon and again at 1:00 PM till 3:00 PM. The seminar will last about 2 hours and each participant will be able to receive a free copy of their tri-merge credit report. The seminar will cover all of the basics of buying a new home in Delaware. The seminar will cover Delaware FHA loans, Delaware VA loans, Delaware USDA Rural Housing Loans, First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs, and the Delaware FHA 203k Rehab loans. Keep Reading...

New Castle County Vacant Home Purchase Program for Delaware

John Thomas November 7, 2011 Tags: , ,

New Castle County Vacant Home Purchase Program commonly called VHAP rolled out November 2, 2011.  This is a Delaware down payment assistance program for specific zip codes in New Castle County, Delaware. You can apply for the program by calling 302-703-0727.

The NCC Homeowner Vacant Home Purchase Program (VHAP) is a deferred loan for up to $10,000 for down payment assistance and/or closing costs that are secured against the property as second mortgage lien. The borrower must occupy the property as their primary residence. You DO NOT have to be a first time home buyer. Keep Reading...

Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar – November 19, 2011

John Thomas October 20, 2011 Tags: , , ,

Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar

There will be a Free Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Saturday, November 19, 2011, at 10:00 AM till Noon and again at 1:00 PM till 3:00 PM. The seminar will last about 2 hours and each participant will be able to receive a free copy of their tri-merge credit report. The seminar will cover all of the basics of buying a new home in Delaware. The seminar will cover Delaware FHA loans, Delaware VA loans, Delaware USDA Rural Housing Loans, First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs, and the Delaware FHA 203k Rehab loans. Keep Reading...