(302) 703-0727

(302) 703-0727

Delaware USDA Rural Housing Loans Still Available June 15, 2010

John Thomas June 15, 2010 Tags:

Can you still get a USDA Rural Housing Loan for the purchase of a home in Delaware even though they have run out of guaranteed funds?  There answer is YES if you call me 302-703-0727, we are still are to provide funding for USDA Rural housing loans for Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. But you call another bank the answer is going to be “no” because they are not willing to hold the loan on a conditional commitment and wait for Congress to approve more funding, but don’t believe them if they tell you it is not available right now, what they are really saying is, we can’t do it and we don’t want you to go to someone who can do it so we are going to lie to you and tell you it is not available right now. Keep Reading...

Budgeting Tips – 25 Biggest Wastes of Your Money

John Thomas June 14, 2010

Here is a list of the 25 biggest money wasters:

1. Lotteries
2. Buying a new car every few years
3. Anything that is “new and improved”
4. Credit Life Insurance
5. Investing on the advice of someone you have never met
6. Fancy Restaurants
7. Buying something on sale that you don’t need
8. Courses that teach you how to buy real estate for no money down
9. Optional cable television services
10. Investing in something you don’t understand
11. Life insurance for children
12. Spending vested pension benefits when you change jobs rather than rolling them over into an IRA
13. Boats
14. Credit card loans
15. Buying Property you have never seen
16. Gold cards
17. Lavishing expensive gifts on loved ones and friends – or on yourself
18. Driving to work alone
19. Lending money to friends
20. Holding on to investments for sentimental reasons
21. Sunroofs
22. Designer-label clothing
23. Low-interest savings accounts
24. Buying anything to keep up with the Joneses
25. TV Shopping Keep Reading...

FHA Loan Questions – What is FHA Mortgage Insurance and what is the refund?

John Thomas June 3, 2010

Many people are confused on how much and even if they can get a refund of the upfront mortgage insurance premium they paid to FHA when they obtained a FHA insured mortgage loan. The confusion comes because the date you obtained the mortgage determines what you are eligible for in terms of a refund. There are two important dates: January 1, 2001, and December 8, 2004. Watch this video for a complete explanation of the FHA upfront mortgage insurance and the monthly mortgage insurance:

Fact Sheet on FHA Refund of the upfront mortgage insurance premium is here Keep Reading...

Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar – June 5, 2010

John Thomas June 1, 2010

There will be a Free Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Saturday, June 5, 2010, at 10:00 AM. The seminar will last about 2 hours and each participant will be able to receive a free copy of their tri-merge credit report. The seminar will cover all of the basics of buying a new home in Delaware. The seminar will cover Delaware FHA loans, Delaware VA loans, Delaware USDA Rural Housing Loans, First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs, and the Delaware FHA 203k Rehab loans.

Each participant will receive a Free Audio CD on Homebuying 101, Credit Scoring Handbook, Homebuying Handbook, and an opportunity to meet with a mortgage planner to be pre-approved to buy a home at the seminar. You will also learn the importance of credit in buying a home and learn valuable tips on how to improve your credit score. Learn what programs are available to help with down payment and closing costs. The new loan limits for conventional and FHA will be covered as well as changes to borrowing 100% financing. Keep Reading...

Delaware Existing Home Sales Jumps in April 2010

John Thomas June 1, 2010

Delaware Existing home sales jumped in April 2010

Homes Sales jumped in April 2010 more than expected lead by the Tax Credit that expired on April 20, 2010.  The National Association of Realtors reported that the sales of previously owned homes rose 7.6 percent to adjusted annual rate of 5.77 million. The expected amount was 5.63 million units. The increased demand caused the average home price to rise to $173,100, which is up 4 percent from a year ago. The northeast experienced a 21% increase.  Here is the article with more details http://www.cnbc.com/id/37314201 Keep Reading...

Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar – June 19, 2010

John Thomas May 26, 2010
There will be a Free Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Saturday, June 19, 2010, at 10:00 AM and again at 1:00 PM. The seminar will last about 2 hours and each participant will be able to receive a free copy of their tri-merge credit report. The seminar will cover all of the basics of buying a new home in Delaware. The seminar will cover Delaware FHA loans, Delaware VA loans, Delaware USDA Rural Housing Loans, First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs, and the Delaware FHA 203k Rehab loans.Each participant will receive a Free Audio CD on Homebuying 101, Credit Scoring Handbook, Homebuying Handbook, and an opportunity to meet with a mortgage planner to be pre-approved to buy a home at the seminar. You will also learn the importance of credit in buying a home and learn valuable tips on how to improve your credit score. Learn what programs are available to help with down payment and closing costs. The new loan limits for conventional and FHA will be covered as well as changes to borrowing 100% financing.

The Seminar is being held at The Seminar is being held at The Christiana Hilton Hotel at 100 Continental Drive, Newark, DE 19713 from 10:00 AM till 12:00 PM and a second session from 1:00 PM till 3:00 PM. To register for the seminar, please call 302-588-3665 and ask for John Thomas. You can also e-mail me at DelawareMortgages@yahoo.com

For a Complete list of seminars visit www.DelawareMortgageLoans.net/seminars

If you would like to apply for a Mortgage Loan, you can APPLY ONLINE HERE, you can call John Thomas at 302-703-0727. Keep Reading...

Fannie Mae Guidelines Changes Effective June 1, 2010 – Credit Check Before Closing

John Thomas May 21, 2010

Fannie Mae Announces – New Credit Guidelines, Lender required to check credit right before closing to verify no new inquiries on credit or new open accounts. This could cause a loan to be denied at last minute or at least delay closings. Need to educate borrowers that once mortgage application is made, absolutely nobody can check their credit for any reason!! There are some other items outlined as well such as social security number validation and stricter occupancy validation required by the lender. If you would like me to send you the complete update from Fannie Mae, just leave a comment and I will send it to you.  Here is the link to the Official Release from Fannie Mae. There are two documents the initial release from March 2010 and then a follow clarification of the new guidelines released May 2010 that specifically state lender must verify by checking credit just prior to closing. http://www.box.net/shared/v49fvt3n3f http://www.box.net/shared/jkna2m73f8 For more information please contact John R Thomas at 302-703-0727 or send an e-mail to DelawareMortgages@yahoo.com

If you would like to apply for a Mortgage Loan, you can APPLY ONLINE HERE, you can call John Thomas at 302-703-0727.

John R. Thomas – NMLS 38783

Certified Mortgage Planner – Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.

302-703-0727 DE Office / 610-906-3109 PA Office / 410-412-3319 MD Office

248 E Chestnut Hill Rd, Newark, DE 19713

Fannie Mae Releases New Guidelines for Pre-Foreclosures

John Thomas May 18, 2010

Here is an update on new Guidelines from Fannie Mae from John R Thomas, Certified Mortgage Planner.

Here is the link to the Fannie Mae Guideline http://www.box.net/shared/6trkfd9t35

If you would like to apply for a Mortgage Loan, you can APPLY ONLINE HERE, you can call John Thomas at 302-703-0727.

John R. Thomas – NMLS 38783

Certified Mortgage Planner – Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.

302-703-0727 DE Office / 610-906-3109 PA Office / 410-412-3319 MD Office

248 E Chestnut Hill Rd, Newark, DE 19713