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Delaware FHA Loans – MIP Changes October 4, 2010

John Thomas September 29, 2010 Tags: , ,

It is official: FHA was given authority on September 3, 2010, to change the amount charged to borrowers for both the Up Front Mortgage Insurance Premium and the Annual Mortgage Insurance premiums…and change them they did.

This will impact how you write up a Delaware FHA purchase agreement, as well as any monthly payments you might estimate

The new premium amounts will be effective on all FHA case numbers assigned on or after October 4, 2010, so if you already have a Delaware FHA transaction in process, you won’t be impacted as long as your loan officer has already pulled an FHA case number, but new FHA clients who come into process on or after October 4th will be subject to the new guidelines. Keep Reading...

Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar – October 23, 2010

John Thomas September 27, 2010 Tags: ,

There will be a Free Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Saturday, October 23, 2010, at 10:00 AM and again at 1:00 PM. The seminar will last about 2 hours and each participant will be able to receive a free copy of their tri-merge credit report. The seminar will cover all of the basics of buying a new home in Delaware. The seminar will cover Delaware FHA loans, Delaware VA loans, Delaware USDA Rural Housing Loans, First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs and the Delaware FHA 203k Rehab loans.

Each participant will receive a Free Audio CD on Homebuying 101, Credit Scoring Handbook, Homebuying Handbook, and an opportunity to meet with a mortgage planner to be pre-approved to buy a home at the seminar. You will also learn the importance of credit in buying a home and learn valuable tips on how to improve your credit score. Learn what programs are available to help with down payment and closing costs. The new loan limits for conventional and FHA will be covered as well as changes to borrowing 100% financing. Keep Reading...

Delaware Mortgage Rates for Week of September 26, 2010

John Thomas September 26, 2010 Tags:

This week brings us the release of five relevant economic reports for the bond market to digest in addition to two relevant Treasury auctions. There is nothing of importance scheduled for release tomorrow, so look for the stock markets to influence bond trading and possibly mortgage rates. Generally speaking, stock market strength makes bonds less appealing to investors and leads to higher mortgage pricing. But I would not be surprised to see a relatively calm day tomorrow as traders prepare for this week’s data. Keep Reading...

Delaware Mortgage Rates for Week of 9-20-2010

John Thomas September 20, 2010 Tags:

This week brings us the release of five relevant economic reports in addition to another FOMC meeting. Only one of the factual reports is considered to be of high importance. In fact, most of the economic news is considered to be low or moderately important. This should help limit the possibility of significant changes to mortgage rates most days this week.

August’s Housing Starts will kick-off the week’s data early Tuesday morning. This report will probably not have much of an impact on the bond market or mortgage rates. It gives us a measurement of housing sector strength and mortgage credit demand by tracking construction starts of new homes but is usually considered to be of low importance to the financial and mortgage markets. It is expected to show a slight increase in new home starts between July and August. I believe we need to see a significant surprise in this data for it to have an impact on mortgage rates. Keep Reading...

Delaware Mortgage Rates for Week of September 12, 2010

John Thomas September 12, 2010 Tags:

This week brings us the release of five relevant economic reports that may influence Delaware mortgage rates. A couple of these reports are considered to be highly important to the financial and mortgage markets, meaning that we may see significant changes to rates this week. There is a very good chance of seeing noticeable changes in rates at least one day, if not several days this week. There is no relevant news scheduled to be posted tomorrow, so look for the stock markets to be the biggest force behind bond trading and changes to mortgage pricing until we get to the data releases. Keep Reading...

Delaware Mortgage Rates for Week of September 6, 2010

John Thomas September 6, 2010 Tags:

This week brings us the release of only two pieces of economic data, but neither of them is considered to be highly important. In addition to the economic releases, we also have two Treasury auctions that may play a role in this week’s mortgage pricing. The financial and mortgage markets will be closed Monday in observance of the Labor Day holiday, meaning we will not see new Delaware mortgage rates until Tuesday morning.

The first release of the week comes Wednesday afternoon. The Federal Reserve will release its Beige Book report at 2:00 PM ET Wednesday. This report details current economic conditions in the U.S. by Federal Reserve regions. It is believed to be a key source of data when the Fed meets for their FOMC meetings and is usually released approximately two weeks prior to each meeting. If it reveals any significant surprises, we may see movement in the markets and mortgage pricing as analysts adjust their theories on the Fed’s next move. Most likely though, it will be a non-event and will not lead to a noticeable change in Delaware mortgage rates. Keep Reading...

Delaware FHA Mortgage Insurance Change Official October 4, 2010

John Thomas September 2, 2010 Tags: , ,

FHA MIP Changes Now Official for Delaware Home Owners and Delaware Home Buyers

With the passing of H.R. 5981 and the resulting Public Law 111-229, FHA was given authority to change the amount charged to borrowers for both the Up Front Mortgage Insurance Premium and the Annual Mortgage Insurance premium. These changes that are outlined in Mortgagee Letter 2010-28, are effective for all FHA case numbers assigned on or after October 4th, 2010.

Here are the 6 things you need to know about these changes:

  1. The Up Front premium is now 1.0 % for all standard FHA programs (purchase money mortgages, full credit-qualifying refinances, streamline refinances)
  2. The Annual premium is now .90% for LTVs GREATER than 95% on 30-year loans
  3. The Annual premium is now .85% for LTVs EQUAL to or LESS than 95% on 30-year loans
  4. The Annual premium is now .25% for LTVs GREATER than 90% on 15-year loans
  5. The Annual premium is now .00% for LTVs EQUAL to or LESS than 90% on 15-year loans
  6. These premiums apply to purchases, regular refinances and streamlines

Please note that this new law also gives FHA the authority to raise the Annual premium at will up to 1.5% for LTVs at or below 95% and 1.55% for LTVs more than 95%. Keep Reading...

Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar – September 25, 2010

John Thomas September 2, 2010 Tags: , ,

There will be a Free Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Saturday September 25, 2010, at 10:00 AM and again at 1:00 PM. The seminar will last about 2 hours and each participant will be able to receive a free copy of their tri-merge credit report. The seminar will cover all of the basics of buying a new home in Delaware. The seminar will cover Delaware FHA loans, Delaware VA loans, Delaware USDA Rural Housing Loans, First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs, and the Delaware FHA 203k Rehab loans.

Each participant will receive a Free Audio CD on Homebuying 101, Credit Scoring Handbook, Homebuying Handbook, and an opportunity to meet with a mortgage planner to be pre-approved to buy a home at the seminar. You will also learn the importance of credit in buying a home and learn valuable tips on how to improve your credit score. Learn what programs are available to help with down payment and closing costs. The new loan limits for conventional and FHA will be covered as well as changes to borrowing 100% financing. Keep Reading...