(302) 703-0727

(302) 703-0727

Dover Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar August 21 2012

John Thomas July 26, 2012 Tags: , , , , , ,

Free Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Tuesday, August 21, 2012, at 6:30 PM in Dover, Delaware. The seminar will last about 2 hours and each participate will be able to recieve a free copy of their tri-merge credit report. The seminar will cover all of the basics of buying a new home in Delaware. The seminar will cover Delaware FHA loans, Delaware VA loans, Delaware USDA Rural Housing Loans, First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs and the Delaware FHA 203k Rehab loans.

Each participate will recieve a Free Credit Scoring Handbook, Free Homebuying Handbook, and an opputunity to meet with a mortgage planner to be pre-approved to buy a home at the seminar. You will also learn the importance of credit in buying a home and learn valueable tips on how to improve your credit score. Learn what programs are available to help with down payment and closing costs. The new loan limits for conventional and FHA will be covered as well as changes to borrowing 100% financing. Your presenter is the author of the new book, Your Guide to Buying Your First Home in Delaware. The Seminar is being held at The Seminar is being held at The Sheraton Hotel at 1570 North DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901Seminar is from 6:30 PM till 8:30 PM. To register for the seminar, please call 302-703-0727. You can also e-mail me at DelawareMortgages@yahoo.com or you can register online at www.delawarehomebuyerseminar.com For a Complete list of seminars visit www.DelawareMortgageLoans.net/seminars If you would like to apply for a Mortgage Loan, you can APPLY ONLINE HERE, you can call John Thomas at 302-703-0727.

John R. Thomas – NMLS 38783

Certified Mortgage Planner – Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Keep Reading...

Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar August 18 2012

John Thomas July 26, 2012 Tags: , , , , , ,

Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar

There will be a Free Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Saturday, August 18, 2012, at 10:00 AM till Noon and again at 1:00 PM till 3:00 PM. The seminar will last about 2 hours and each participant will be able to receive a free copy of their tri-merge credit report. The seminar will cover all of the basics of buying a new home in Delaware. The seminar will cover Delaware FHA loans, Delaware VA loans, Delaware USDA Rural Housing Loans, First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs, and the Delaware FHA 203k Rehab loans. Keep Reading...

Delaware Mortgage Rates Weekly Update for July 23 2012

John Thomas July 23, 2012 Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Delaware mortgage rate weekly update for the week of July 23, 2012, by John R. Thomas from Primary Residential Mortgage in Newark, Delaware. John is the branch manager and the author of the book, Your Guide to Buying Your First Home in Delaware. Call 302-703-0727 to get a free mortgage planning consultation or APPLY ONLINE for Delaware mortgage loan

Delaware mortgage rates once again set another all-time record low on Friday as we had a slew of bad economic reports released last week. Retail Sales fell in June 2012 more than expected. The Commerce Department released that Retail Sales in June fell 0.5 percent from May’s Retail Sales.  This is the third straight month Retail Sales have fallen, this hasn’t happened since 2008. Keep Reading...

Delaware Mortgage Rates Weekly Update for July 16 2012

John Thomas July 14, 2012 Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Delaware mortgage rate weekly update for the week of July 16, 2012, by John R. Thomas from Primary Residential Mortgage in Newark, Delaware. John is the branch manager and the author of the book, Your Guide to Buying Your First Home in Delaware. Call 302-703-0727 to get a free mortgage planning consultation or APPLY ONLINE for Delaware mortgage loan

Delaware Mortgage Rate weekly update by John R. Thomas

Delaware mortgage rates hit an all-time record low last week but then drifter higher as traders took profits and sold off mortgage bonds at the end of the week. I am still recommending LOCKING in your mortgage rate as rates still sit near all-time record lows. Last week we saw more news that supported that the US economy is slowing. Consumer Sentiment in July 2012 came in the lowest it has been in 2 years. Keep Reading...

New Castle County DPS Program – Delaware First Time Home Buyer Down Payment Assistance Program

John Thomas July 14, 2012 Tags: , , , , ,
featured image
New Castle County DPS Program

New Castle County DPS Program 2022

New Castle County DPS Down Payment Assistance Program 2022 is a Delaware down payment assistance program for First Time Home Buyers to help with down payment and/or closing costs. The program will lend Delaware first time home buyers up to $10,000 that is recorded as a second mortgage loan against the property being purchased.  The New Castle County DPS Program loan is an 15-year loan at 0% interest but payments are deferred for the first two years.  In order to qualify for the program, you must use a Delaware approved mortgage company.  Call 302-703-0727 to apply for the program or to get more information or APPLY ONLINE.
Keep Reading...

Delaware Mortgage Rates Weekly Update July 9, 2012

John Thomas July 9, 2012 Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Delaware mortgage rate weekly update for the week of July 9, 2012, by John R. Thomas from Primary Residential Mortgage in Newark, Delaware. John is the branch manager and the author of the book, Your Guide to Buying Your First Home in Delaware. Call 302-703-0727 to get a free mortgage planning consultation or APPLY ONLINE for Delaware mortgage loan

Delaware mortgage rates set another all-time record low on Friday, July 6, 2012, after a very disappointing Jobs Report was released for June 2012.  The jobs report is released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The June Jobs report released that only 80,000 jobs were created in June which was well short of the anticipated 100,000 expected. There was also a revision of April and May job reports resulting in another 1,000 fewer jobs created than originally reported. We need about 150,000 new jobs each month just to keep up with population growth. Overall, employment growth during the second quarter of 2012 averaged about 75,000 jobs per month compared with more than 200,000 during the first quarter.

The unemployment rate held steady at 8.2% and the labor participation rate remained at 31 year low! The US economy is really struggling and only producing a 2% GDP. This is not enough to get people back to work so unless something changes the labor numbers will continue to disappoint. This means mortgage interest rates should remain at or near all-time historic lows throughout 2013.

The jobs report could very well prompt the Federal Reserve Board to institute QE3 at their next meeting which is another round of the Feds buying bonds. This could initially give the stock market a boost so could negatively affect rates in the short term. The next meeting is September 2012 so now is a great time to purchase or refinance a home in Delaware.

Congress finally approved a long term fix to the National Flood Insurance problem by a 5-year reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The National Flood Insurance Program suffered through over 18 short-term extensions and hobbled along for the last four years without a long-term reauthorization forthcoming from D.C. The bill was signed into law on July 6, 2012, by President Obama. NAR was a key supporter that finally helped this bill get passed through Congress.

In the local news, Delaware Bill HB166 did not make it to the House for a vote this time around. HB 166 is a bill to exempt first time home buyers in Delaware from the real estate transfer tax. Hopefully, next time the House is in session they will bring it up for a vote.  Please reach out to your representative to vote for this bill as it will have a positive impact on Delaware Real Estate Market.

I am recommending LOCKING in your Delaware Mortgage Rate if you are closing in the next 30 days to take advantage of the lowest rates ever in history! Call 302-703-0727 to schedule a free mortgage consultation to get pre-approved for a mortgage to purchase a home or to refinance your existing mortgage to lower your rate and save thousands of dollars in interest. There are several special governments refinance programs to help underwater Delaware homeowners refinance. There is the FHA Streamline Refinance Program, the VA IRRRL Streamline Refinance Program, and there is the HARP 1.0 and HARP 2.0 refinance programs. Call us or e-mail us now to get more information or you can APPLY ONLINE.

The next Free Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar is Saturday, July 21, 2012, in Newark, Delaware and Tuesday, July 24, 2012, in Dover, Delaware. Register by calling 302-703-0727 or Register online at Delaware Home Buyer Seminar

The next Free Maryland First Time Home Buyer Seminar is Saturday, July 28, 2012, in Towson, Maryland. Register by calling 410-412-3319 or Register online at Maryland Home Buyer Seminar

If you would like to apply for a Mortgage Loan, you can APPLY ONLINE HERE, you can call John Thomas at 302-703-0727.

John R. Thomas – NMLS 38783 Keep Reading...

Dover Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar July 24 2012

John Thomas July 2, 2012 Tags: , , , , ,

Free Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Tuesday July 24, 2012 at 6:30 PM in Dover, Delaware. The seminar will last about 2 hours and each participant will be able to receive a free copy of their tri-merge credit report. The seminar will cover all of the basics of buying a new home in Delaware. The seminar will cover Delaware FHA loans, Delaware VA loans, Delaware USDA Rural Housing Loans, First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs, and the Delaware FHA 203k Rehab loans.

Each participant will receive a Free Credit Scoring Handbook, Free Homebuying Handbook, and an opportunity to meet with a mortgage planner to be pre-approved to buy a home at the seminar. You will also learn the importance of credit in buying a home and learn valuable tips on how to improve your credit score. Learn what programs are available to help with down payment and closing costs. The new loan limits for conventional and FHA will be covered as well as changes to borrowing 100% financing. Your presenter is the author of the new book, Your Guide to Buying Your First Home in Delaware. The Seminar is being held at The Seminar is being held at The Sheraton Hotel at 1570 North DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901Seminar is from 6:30 PM till 8:30 PM. To register for the seminar, please call 302-703-0727. You can also e-mail me at DelawareMortgages@yahoo.com or you can register online at www.delawarehomebuyerseminar.com

For a Complete list of seminars visit www.DelawareMortgageLoans.net/seminars

If you would like to apply for a Mortgage Loan, you can APPLY ONLINE HERE, you can call John Thomas at 302-703-0727.

John R. Thomas – NMLS 38783

Certified Mortgage Planner – Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.

302-703-0727 DE Office / 610-906-3109 PA Office / 410-412-3319 MD Office

248 E Chestnut Hill Rd, Newark, DE 19713

Delaware Mortgage Rates Weekly Update for July 2 2012

John Thomas July 2, 2012 Tags: , , , , , , ,

Delaware mortgage rate weekly update for the week of July 2, 2012, by John R. Thomas from Primary Residential Mortgage in Newark, Delaware. John is the branch manager and the author of the book, Your Guide to Buying Your First Home in Delaware. Call 302-703-0727 to get a free mortgage planning consultation or APPLY ONLINE for Delaware mortgage loan

Delaware mortgage rate weekly update July 2, 2012, by John Thomas

Delaware mortgage rates are still hovering at all time historic lows. The Euro Summit was held last week and Friday’s release of the news from the event moved the stock market higher and the bond market sold off. What emerged from the meeting was a concession by Germany to allow Eurozone Stability Mechanism (ESM) to help recapitalize the banks as long as they meet budgetary rules. They were also no more austerity measures to be imposed. This may seem like a solution but it is not as the ESM only has 500 Billion Euros available and Spain and Italy alone have a combined 2.4 Trillion in government debt. This deal has also upset Greece who not wants fewer austerity measures because Spain and Italy have gotten the go-ahead for the bailout without all the restrictions placed on Greece.

New Home Sales in May were at an annual rate of 369,000, up from 343,000 in April. New home inventories are getting to historically low levels as builders have cut way back on the building during the recession. Existing home inventory is not at historic lows but is declining. Housing prices are still continuing to shrink so housing has not turned the corner yet but some believe we are close to a bottom.

FHA announced that it is rescinding the Credit Guidelines. Mortgagee Letter 2012-10 rescinds guidelines regarding disputed accounts and collection accounts that were announced February 28, 2012, via Mortgagee Letter 2012-03. For full story visit https://www.delawaremortgageloans.net/delaware-mortgage-loans/delaware-fha-loans-delaware-mortgage-loans/fha-rescinds-new-credit-guidelines-for-collections-effective-june-15-2012/

The next Free Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar is Saturday July 21, 2012, in Newark, Delaware and Tuesday, July 24, 2012, in Dover, Delaware. Register by calling 302-703-0727 or Register online at Delaware Home Buyer Seminar

The next Free Maryland First Time Home Buyer Seminar is Saturday, July 28, 2012, in Towson, Maryland. Register by calling 410-412-3319 or Register online at Maryland Home Buyer Seminar

If you would like to apply for a Mortgage Loan, you can