First Time Home Buyer Seminar – August 18th from 10:00AM till 12:00PM
There will be a First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Saturday, August 18th from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Primary Residential Mortgage’s office in New Castle, Delaware. Come learn what it takes to buy a home in Delaware. First time home buyer programs will be covered. The program will also cover how to improve your credit and how to afford a mortgage payment that might be more than your current rental payment. All registered participates will receive a Credit Scoring Audio CD. Sign up for credit check at the seminar. Everybody has the opportunity to receive their complete credit report and get pre-approved to buy a home at the seminar. You will also have the opportunity to schedule a one-on-one appointment with a mortgage professional and credit counselor who can answer questions for your specific situation. Please call 302-703-0727 to and ask for John Thomas to register for this seminar or Register Online by clicking below: