Fannie Mae Homepath Loan Program Discountinued October 6, 2014
John Thomas
September 19, 2014
Tags: Fannie Mae, Fannie Mae Homepath, Homepath Loan Program, Homepath Renovation Loan

Fannie Mae Homepath Mortgage Loan Program will no longer be eligible for use by home buyers effective October 6, 2014. Fannie Mae designed the Homepath loan program to be used to purchase specifically targeted homes in their inventory of homes for sale. The Homepath loan is a special loan program that allows a home to be purchased with no appraisal and no mortgage insurance with only putting down 5% of the purchase price as a down payment. The original program only required 3% down payment but that was increased to 5% down payment effective November 1, 2013.
The highlights of Fannie Mae Homepath Loans are as follows: