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Delaware Mortgage Rates – February 20, 2009

John Thomas February 20, 2009

This is my daily advice on floating or locking your loan for Friday, February 20, 2009.

The mortgage-backed securities (MBS) have opened higher this morning on weak stock reports. The CPI (Consumer Price Index) came out this morning as expected which is good news because this is a measure of inflation and a sign of increasing inflation would be bad for mortgage bonds.

If you didn’t lock your rate on Wednesday then you should continue floating unless there is a reversal and stocks start to rally, if that happens we could see the MBS drop and rates re-price for the worse. Keep Reading...

Delaware Mortgage Rates – February 19, 2009

John Thomas February 19, 2009

This is my daily advice on floating or locking your Delaware Mortgage Rate for Thursday, February 19, 2009.

The PPI index rose unexpectedly when reported today.  The PPI is a measure of inflation. Higher inflation is bad news for fixed income investments like mortgage bonds. Mortgage bonds sold off when news was released, Bonds traded in a wide range as investors tried to digest the PPI news. The Feds released that they bought about 20 billion in Mortgage-backed securities from Feb 12 to Feb 18.  Oil prices have jumped today on news of higher consumption and lower inventories which was very surprising to the market. Keep Reading...

Delaware Real Estate Market Report for Fourth Quarter 2008

John Thomas February 17, 2009

U.S. home values continued to slide for the eighth consecutive quarter, declining 11.6 percent from a year ago, and falling 17.5 percent since the market peak in 2006. Additionally, one in five homes sold in the past 12 months was a foreclosure, and one in six of all homeowners have negative equity. Those are the national statistics for the fourth quarter of 2008.

Our Local Market looks to be doing much better than the national average. Newark area was actually able to make a slight gain in value from a year ago. Keep Reading...

Delaware FHA Loans below 580 FICO scores

John Thomas February 12, 2009

If you are looking to purchase a home or refinance a home and have a FICO score below 580, 99% of lenders will not even be able to help you. Wells Fargo and Chase just made their minimum credit score 620 for all loan programs.  Sun Trust just made their minimum FICO score 640 for all programs.  Countrywide Bank just made their minimum FICO score 580.  So if you are below a 580 and are still looking to buy or refinance a home then you need to hurry because there are only a handful of banks still doing below 580 FICO score. Keep Reading...

Delaware Mortgage Rates – February 12, 2009

John Thomas February 12, 2009

This is my daily advice on floating or locking your Delaware Mortgage Rate for Thursday, February 12, 2009.

The mortgage bond is at a tough point of resistance after several days of gains. Rates are again at a pretty good low point. Mortgage bonds appear to be getting ready to bounce down off the resistance.  This means reprices for the worse could happen later today.

The market is very crazy right now. The economic stimulus bill has finally been worked out by Congress and should be voted on first by the house tomorrow and later by the Senate. Keep Reading...

Delaware Mortgage Rates – February 10, 2009

John Thomas February 10, 2009

This is my daily advice on floating or locking your Delaware Mortgage Rate for Tuesday, February 10, 2009.

Today we saw the 2nd day that mortgage bonds traded higher.  The 4.5% mortgage bond ended the day higher by 47 basis points.  We saw lenders reprice for the better today.  We are still off the lowest rates which were at the beginning of January.

I am recommending floating but be ready to lock in your rate if the market turns tomorrow.

If you need help with a Delaware Mortgage Rate please feel free to call me at 302-368-7132 or send an e-mail to DelawareMortgages@yahoo.com’ Keep Reading...

Free Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar – February 21, 2009

John Thomas February 9, 2009

There will be a Free Delaware First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Saturday, February 21, 2009, at 10:00 AM. The seminar will last about 2 hours and each participant will be able to receive a free copy of their tri-merge credit report. The seminar will cover all of the basics of buying a new home in Delaware. The seminar will cover Delaware FHA loans, Delaware VA loans, My Community loans, First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs, and the Delaware USDA Rural Housing Program.  Learn how to get $7,500 tax credit on your 2008 taxes for buying a home. That is a check for $7,500 from the IRS to you at tax time just for buying a home! Keep Reading...

Delaware Mortgage Rates – January 7, 2009

John Thomas January 7, 2009

Delaware Mortgage Rates are at Historic Lows. The Federal Reserve starting buying mortgage-backed securities in an effort to drive mortgage rates down. So far this strategy has worked and now is a great time to refinance or purchase a home in Delaware. The stock market had a bad day buy Mortgage-backed securities were able to hold the gains they got yesterday so mortgage rates are still very low!!

If you are considering refinancing or purchasing a home, now is the best time to do it. Please feel free to call me at 302-368-7132 or e-mail me at DelawareMortgages@yahoo.com for a free consultation. Keep Reading...