(302) 703-0727

(302) 703-0727

Free First Time Home Buyer Seminar – December 15th

John Thomas November 18, 2007 Tags: ,

There will be a Free First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Saturday, December 15, 2007, at 10:00 AM. The seminar will last about 2 hours and each participant will be able to receive a free copy of their tri-merge credit report. The seminar will cover all of the basics of buying a new home in Delaware. The seminar will cover Delaware FHA loans, Delaware VA loans, My Community loans, and First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs.  Each participant will receive a Free Audio CD on Credit Scoring, Credit Scoring Handbook, Homebuying Handbook, and an opportunity to meet with a mortgage planner to be pre-approved to buy a home at the seminar. Keep Reading...

First Time Home Buyer Seminar – Still Room left for October 27th

John Thomas October 23, 2007

There is still room left for the Free First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Saturday, October 27th at 10:00 AM at Citizens Lending Group’s office in Newark, DE. The seminar will cover the basics of buying a home in Delaware including First Time Homebuyer programs, FHA Loans, VA Loans, and much more.

Please call 302-368-7132 Ext.12 to register for the seminar.

If you would like to apply for a Mortgage Loan, you can APPLY ONLINE HERE, you can call John Thomas at 302-703-0727.

John R. Thomas – NMLS 38783

Certified Mortgage Planner – Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Keep Reading...

Doug MacGray’s Weekly Financial Update – Week of October 22, 2007

John Thomas October 23, 2007
BLACK MONDAY – Last week marked the 20th anniversary of Black Monday on Wall Street. From a total US stock market capitalization of $2.3 trillion following the losses of 10/19/87 the total value of US stocks has rebounded to $18.7 trillion today, an annual growth rate of +11% over the past 2 decades. HERE COME THE BABY BOOMERS:  At an event hosted by the Commissioner of Social Security, the nation’s first Baby Boomer, Kathleen Casey-Kirschling, filed for her Social Security retirement benefits online at www.socialsecurity.gov.  Ms. Casey-Kirschling, who was born one second after midnight on January 1, 1946, will be eligible for benefits beginning January 2008. http://www.socialsecurity.gov/pressoffice/pr/babyboomerfiles-pr.htm

THE SINKING U.S. DOLLAR: Keep Reading...

Free Seminar – Financial Planning for Everyone – Oct. 23rd at 6:30 PM

John Thomas October 18, 2007

There will be a Free Seminar – Financial Planning for Everyone on Tuesday, October 23, 2007, from 6:30 PM till 8:00 PM.  The seminar will present the basics of making a financial plan and provide the participates with all the tools they need to design their own financial plan.  The seminar is being presented by Douglas MacGray of AGE Equities.  He is a Certified Financial Planner, licensed Attorney, and certified Estate Advisor.

To register for this seminar please call 302-703-0727 and ask for John Thomas. Keep Reading...

Doug MacGray’s Weekly Financial Update – Week of October 15, 2007

John Thomas October 15, 2007

Where are the markets going? NO ONE CAN PREDICT THE MARKETS:

Warren Buffet sure can pick stocks. You would expect that if anyone can predict market movements, he would be one of those guys.  On September 20, 2005, he predicted that over the next 7 years the S&P 500 is likely to return something less than 10% per year.2 years into his 7-year prediction, the S&P 500 has gained +29.0% (total return), an average annual return of +13.6%. He still has five years to go on his prediction, and I have been one person in the camp who believed his prediction. He may yet be correct.  I guess we’ll have to check back in five years. Keep Reading...

Free Real Estate Seminar – Mortgage Market Meltdown – Oct. 17th

John Thomas October 9, 2007

There will be a free seminar on the Morgage Market Meltdown on October 17th at 6:30 PM till 8:00 PM at Citizens Lending Groups’ Office in Newark, DE.  The seminar will cover exactly what happened to cause the current credit liquidity crisis in the lending markets as well as the mortgage market meltdown. Participates will learn what the Federal Reserve is doing about the current crisis. The future of the real estate markets will be discussed and the impact on our local market. Strategies to help buyers and sellers will also be discussed.  Each participant will receive a free audio cd summing up the key points of the seminar, free mortgage market FAQ, and special reports on the credit liquidity crisis. Keep Reading...

Free First Time Home Buyer Seminar – October 27th

John Thomas October 9, 2007

There will be a Free First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Saturday, October 27, 2007, at 10:00 AM.  The seminar will last about 2 hours and each participant will be able to receive a free copy of their tri-merge credit report. The seminar will cover all of the basics of buying a new home in Delaware.  The seminar will cover Delaware FHA loans, Delaware VA loans, My Community loans, and First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs.  Each participant will receive a Free Audio CD on Credit Scoring, Credit Scoring Handbook, Homebuying Handbook, and an opportunity to meet with a mortgage planner to be pre-approved to buy a home at the seminar. Keep Reading...

Stop Paying Your Landlord’s Mortgage – Become a Delaware Home Owner

John Thomas September 27, 2007

It’s staggering when you think about the cost of living, especially if you’re a renter and not a Delaware home owner. If you are currently paying $1,000 a month for rented housing, then over the next three years, your property management company will effectively have reaped $36,000 of your hard earned cash! You’re paying their mortgage when you could be building equity in your own property. Learn the advantages of becoming a Delaware First Time Home Buyer.

What if I don’t have the money to buy a home right now?
There are many loan programs available that offer low and no down payment options for Delaware Home Buyers. Some programs permit gift money as a down payment, and often sellers are willing to make a contribution to your purchase if they want to sell the home quickly. There are many benefits of home ownership to consider, most of all, tax deductions. Let’s take a look at how advantageous this can be as a homeowner:

How much is tax deductible?
Tax deductions vary, but the IRS has laid out solid rules. They also have several tax publications full of helpful information worth taking the time to read. Publication 530, Tax Information for First Time Homeowners, is very thorough, as is Publication 936, Home Mortgage Interest Deduction. For quick reference, you can refer to Tax Topics 505, Interest Expense, and 504, Home Mortgage Points.
These publications often refer to local and state guidelines, so you may want to consult a CPA to answer all the questions that arise from reading these materials. Here are a few tips you should know up front:

Real Estate taxes are deductible on a primary residence. Delaware Real Estate taxes are paid at settlement or closing, or through an escrow account.

Mortgage interest is deductible on a loan to purchase, build or improve your home in Delaware. Your lender will provide you with a Mortgage Interest Statement (Form 1098) to list the total interest paid during the year. This should include any deductible points paid for that year.

Prepaid interest is deductible in the year it is paid. At the close of a real estate transaction, borrowers usually pay for the interest on their loan that falls between the closing period and the first of the next month. Mortgage payments are made “in arrears” so when a loan is closed mid-month, there is interest due to the new lender which must be paid in advance.

If you are building a home, the interest on the construction loan is deductible. The construction period cannot exceed 24 months prior to the date that you move in if you claim this as your primary residence.

Call me to discuss your specific needs and we’ll find the program that’s right for you.  We have a variety of low down payment and no down payment programs available.

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