(302) 703-0727

(302) 703-0727

Delaware Mortgage Rate Update – November 30, 2007

John Thomas November 30, 2007

In a speech, last night Fed Chairman Bernanke said resurgent financial strains have dimmed the outlook for growth in the U.S economy.  Bernanke’s comments are considered by many to signal a 100% probability that the Fed will cut short-term interest rates by at least 25 basis-points at the upcoming Open Market Committee meeting on December 11th.

I think it is important to note that the bond and mortgage-backed security markets have already priced-in a December rate cut of 25 basis-points and are well along the road to pricing in a 50 basis-point rate cut. Keep Reading...

Mortgage Market Update – November 29, 2007

John Thomas November 29, 2007

New orders for the long-lasting U.S. made manufactured goods dropped for a third straight month in October. Orders fell 0.4% last month after declining by 1.4% in September and 5.3% in August. Non-defense capital goods, long considered a proxy for business investment, weakened by 2.3% in October the biggest monthly decline in this index since February of last year.

Stock jocks viewed the data has an indication that the trend in manufacturing weakness may be in the early bottoming stage while bond daddies looked at the same data and see it indicating that the Fed will undoubtedly have to sharpen up their short-term rate cutting scissors. It is highly unlikely both camps will be right on their market call – so the overall picture remains muddled. Keep Reading...

Doug MacGray’s Weekly Financial Update – Week of November 25th

John Thomas November 25, 2007
Various economists and investment houses are now coming out with their “odds” as to whether we will move into a recession. Here is my wisdom: I don’t know. Of course, you should be prepared in case we do or if we don’t. Depending on your situation, you want to be appropriately defensive, but not so “safe” that you do not participate in market growth when it occurs. Make sure you know how you are invested, have a strategy and sleep well.  If you are not sleeping well, you either don’t have a strategy, or you do but it is too aggressive. (Past performance is never a guarantee of future results.) A GOOD START:  I hate getting caught up in this, but holiday consumer spending is an obsession, so here I go:  According to ShopperTrak RCT Corp., which tracks sales at more than 50,000 retail outlets, total sales rose 8.3 percent to about $10.3 billion on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, compared with $9.5 billion on the same day a year ago. ShopperTrak had expected an increase of no more than 4 percent to 5 percent. A SHORT TERM PLUS FOR THE FALLING DOLLAR: The falling dollar is rife with danger for this economy.  For the moment, U.S. shopping outlets are benefiting from foreign visitors making trips to the U.S. for the specific purpose of doing their holiday shopping.  For example, in my former hometown of Wrentham, Massachusetts:  a record 1,000 international tourists have scheduled organized shopping trips as of yesterday to Wrentham Village Premium Outlets – more than double the number last year. Hundreds more were expected to come on their own, according to Beth Winbourne, the outlet’s general manager. Boston is projecting a 14 percent increase in overseas visitors this month compared with November of last year. A BAD HOUSING OCTOBER:  In October, new residential construction was higher than expected. But, all of the gains were in multi-family units, not single-family dwellings, which were down another -7.3%. New construction permits were down -5.9%. FUEL COSTS AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL EXPENSE LEVELS: People in Alabama, Mississippi, and Kentucky spent more than 11% of their income to fuel their car, while residents of New York and New Jersey average less than 2%. STATE TAX RATES: As a percentage of income, the state with the lowest tax burden is Alaska at 6.6%. Rounding out the top five were New Hampshire, Tennessee, Delaware, and Alabama. The state with the highest tax burden at 14.1% is Vermont. Rounding out the top five are Maine, New York, Rhode Island, and Ohio (between 14% and 12.1%). New Jersey is 10th at 11.6%. Connecticut is 8th at 12.2%. Maryland and Pennsylvania are virtually tied for 23rd at 10.8%.

If you would like to apply for a Mortgage Loan, you can APPLY ONLINE HERE, you can call John Thomas at 302-703-0727.

John R. Thomas – NMLS 38783

Certified Mortgage Planner – Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.

302-703-0727 DE Office / 610-906-3109 PA Office / 410-412-3319 MD Office

248 E Chestnut Hill Rd, Newark, DE 19713

What are the Advantages of an FHA Loan?

John Thomas November 24, 2007

FHA loans are not credit-score driven. Although many wholesale lenders have minimum credit scores, many do not. They traditionally underwrite the file, according to FHA guidelines. If you have no credit or no good tradelines, then FHA loans also allow you to use alternative credit. Monthly obligations like gas, electric, and cell phone bills wherever money is going on a monthly basis as long as you can document it, it’s possible to essentially build a credit history for loan applicants.

Another feature of FHA loans is that all funds can come from a gift, either from a family member, through the seller, or from a down-payment assistance program. Moreover, it’s permissible to have a six percent seller contribution on top of the gift funds which can go towards paying all of the closing costs. FHA Loans also offer market interest rates with no mark up for the high LTV that comes with other high LTV programs. FHA loans can be used for purchasing a home or refinancing a home. If you can even use an FHA loan for a cash-out refinance, but the maximum LTV is 95%. Keep Reading...

Congress is trying to make it harder for you to get a home loan

John Thomas November 20, 2007

Congress is currently debating your ability to obtain mortgage financing in the future.

H.R. 3915 – a newly introduced piece of legislation that is going to be debated on the House floor in the coming days.

Commonly referred to as the “Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of 2007,” this Bill is attempting to make sweeping changes to the way the mortgage market operates.

Here’s what it would mean for borrowers if the Bill were to pass as currently drafted:

  • Refinancing transactions would become more difficult and potentially expensive;
  • Closing costs and points paid to lower an interest rate could become “out of pocket” expenses in some cases and not allowed to be included in refinance transactions;
  • Discriminate against borrowers who have had poor credit histories from getting loans that they might otherwise deserve to get;
  • Complicate the loan process for many borrowers as it would eliminate reduced documentation options such as “Stated Income” or “Low Documentation” loans. 

Some of the changes proposed by the Bill are positive and intended to protect consumers. For example, the Bill proposes a licensing program and national registry that would track the activity of every originator, both mortgage broker and direct banker lender, in the country. This would allow for bad loans to be traced back to the originator and corrective action to be taken. Keep Reading...

Delaware First Time Home Buyer Program Getting Tougher

John Thomas November 20, 2007

Delaware First Time Home Buyers are going to find it a lot harder to buy a home with little or no money because Fannie Mae is Changing their guidelines on the popular My Community Loan Program.  The My Community Loan program is very popular because it offers 100% financing with one loan with reduced mortgage insurance and until now would allow the seller to pay up 6% of the sales price towards closing costs. This is usually more than enough to cover all of the closing costs when buying a home in Delaware.

Starting December 1st Fannie Mae has changed the guidelines to only allow the seller to pay up to 3% of the sales price towards the buyers closing costs. 3% is typically not enough to cover all of the closing costs associated with buying a home in Delaware. This means Delaware First Time Home Buyers will have to come up with more money at the closing table in order to buy a home. Keep Reading...

Doug MacGray’s Weekly Financial Update – Week of November 19, 2007

John Thomas November 19, 2007

HOLIDAY SPENDING?:  Americans skimped on furniture and sporting goods in October to offset higher energy costs. As a result, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. is anticipating “one of the weakest” holiday shopping periods in years. Meanwhile, a less-than-forecast 0.1 percent increase in wholesale prices reinforced traders’ expectations that the Federal Reserve will be forced to reduce interest rates again next month.

THE WEEK IN THE STOCK MARKET:  The market’s volatility is driving everyone crazy, but the end result this week was a moderate advance. The Dow [+1.03%; +5.73%], the S & P 500 [+0.35%; +2.85%], and the NASDAQ Composite [+0.35%; +9.19%] all gained. One reason for the gains was a positive report from Wal-Mart. Despite the chilly retail sales report mentioned above, Wal-Mart posted good gains and forecast a fairly rosy holiday season. Keep Reading...

Free Real Estate Investing Seminar – November 21st

John Thomas November 19, 2007

There will be a Free Real Estate Investment Seminar on Wednesday, November 21st from 6:30 PM till 8:30 PM at Citizens Lending Groups Office in Newark, DE. The seminar is on Getting Started in Real Estate Investing.

The seminar will show you how to set up a plan for investing and how to get your self financially ready to invest, how to gather a power team around you, give you an action plan to buy your first rental property, how to do investing as a business, and how to analyze a property to determine if a good investment. Keep Reading...