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What is a Quit Claim Deed?

John Thomas May 6, 2008 Tags: ,
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Quit Claim Deed

Quit Claim Deed What is it?

Quit Claim deed is a legal document that helps to transfer your share of interest in the property (house, land, mobile home, etc) to another individual. The person giving away the interest is the grantor while the one who accepts it is the grantee. While the interest is transferred, no warranty is made on the rights which others may claim from the property.

The deed implies that the grantor simply transfers his interest but does not guarantee whether the grantor actually has ownership rights on the property. Moreover, the deed does not guarantee that the property is free of debt. Keep Reading...

Weekly Financial News Update – Week of April 28, 2008

John Thomas April 29, 2008
INTEREST RATE CUTS – IN PERSPECTIVE: When the last recession in the US ended on 11/30/01, the Fed had short-term interest rates at 2.0%. The Fed has interest rates at 2.25% today. A POSITIVE MONTH? Following the prior week’s rally that saw 4% (approximately) gains across the board, the market had another positive week as earnings season continued and oil prices set new highs. For the week, the Dow gained 0.33% and the S&P 500 0.54%. Though we still have three more trading days in April, the S&P 500 has gained +5.7% for the month which would be its first monthly gain since October. POTENTIAL VS. REALITY I am sure you have seen these statistics, but they are worth repeating. Mid-cap stocks have gained 15.3% per year over the last 20 calendar years as measured by the S&P 400 Midcap Index.  Large-cap stocks, as measured by the S&P 500 Index, have gained  11.8% per year.  The average equity investor during this same time frame obtained average annual returns of 4.3% (source:  DALBAR Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior 2007).  In a recent presentation I reviewed, this disparity was explained by three factors:

  • Loss Aversion – Investors tend to sell winners too soon (to get a win) and hold losers too long (avoid a loss).  
  • Hyperbolic Discounting – Investors tend to prefer small gains now too big gains over time.
  • The Information Trap – In a comprehensive study, those who were classified as “news watchers” significantly underperformed those who were classified as the “no news” group.  Financial news creates an emotional, short term, market focus whereas successful investing requires a rational, long term, goal focus.
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    What is a 1031 Exchange?

    John Thomas April 23, 2008

    1031 Exchange – So named because it is defined in section 1031 of the IRS Code, 26 U.S.C.  1031, this refers to a commonly utilized tax break which allows capital gains taxed to be deferred in certain cases in real estate transactions.

    Considered one of the best ways to preserve wealth, the 1031 exchange, or Like Kind Exchange, generally allows a homeowner or real estate investor to sell one property and defer all capital gains taxes if the proceeds of the sale are reinvested in an asset of like kind, generally in more real estate.1031 exchanges are specifically structured transactions that join together the sale of an old property and the purchase of a new property for the purpose of deferring taxes. Keep Reading...

    Delaware Mortgage Loans – Market Update – April 23, 2008

    John Thomas April 23, 2008

    As always – consult your favorite mortgage professional who will be able to offer the best advice for YOUR unique situation.

    Yesterday Existing Home Sales came in right on target which did little to sway the markets. The moving of the bond market was the continue bearish behaviour of Wall Street. Only scheduled reporting of the day has to do with oil inventories.  This affects the bond market very little.

    The only thing that might adversely affect the market this morning is the news that Bank of America will be ceasing the infamous Option Arm program once Countrywide Financial is safely under its umbrella. Keep Reading...

    Weekly Financial News Update – Week of April 21

    John Thomas April 23, 2008
    GOOD NEWS ON AGING: Two research reports published in the April edition of the American Sociological Review conclude that the happiest Americans are the oldest. Among the findings: Older Americans have learned to be content with what they have.  They are more socially networked. 75% of people age 57 to 85 engage in one or more social activities at least every week (e.g., socializing with neighbors, attending religious services, volunteering, etc.). Those in their 80s were twice as likely as those in their 50s to do at least one of these activities. In general, the odds of being happy increased 5% with every 10 years of age. DEATH OF THE DEATH OF THE ESTATE TAX?:   John McCain said that if elected he will raise the estate tax exemption to $5 million and reduce the tax rate to 15%.  Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama said that they would set a $3.5 million exemption and leave the tax rate at 45%.  John McCain would index the exemption amount to inflation. Neither Democrat candidate would do so. None of the three would eliminate the estate tax.  It tooks like we will be living under a federal estate tax regime for a long, long time….the only question is the rate of tax and the amount of the exemption.  In any case, the credit shelter trust strategy (which is in so many existing estate plans) will continue to be an effective way to reduce overall estate tax for a married couple who are both U.S. citizens. HELPFUL BUDGETING/CASH FLOW WEBSITE:   I checked out www.mint.com this weekend, and I am very impressed with what I have seen so far.  This software is a good way to organize your cash flow and budgeting. There are two very attractive attributes to this software:  It is 1) fast and easy, and 2) free. THE MARKETS:  The roller coaster was moving up this past week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 4.25% (down 3.13% for the year) and the S&P 500 was up 4.31%  (down 5.31% for the year)  [Past performance does not guarantee future results.] Some of the upward movement was driven by positive earnings reports from, among others, Caterpillar, Intel, IBM, Google and Honeywell. Each exceeded expectations. On the other hand, Citigroup and Merrill Lynch reported massive write-downs on their housing-related debt and other debt instruments. Both companies saw their share prices increase. The U.S. dollar slid again and commodity prices increased. These views are provided by my good friend and business associate Doug MacGray. Doug is a certified financial planner. If you need the assistance of a great financial planner, please let me know and I will get you in contact with Doug.

    If you would like to apply for a Mortgage Loan, you can APPLY ONLINE HERE, you can call John Thomas at 302-703-0727.

    John R. Thomas – NMLS 38783

    Certified Mortgage Planner – Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.

    302-703-0727 DE Office / 610-906-3109 PA Office / 410-412-3319 MD Office

    248 E Chestnut Hill Rd, Newark, DE 19713

    Existing Home Sales Fell in March -But Sales were up in Delaware

    John Thomas April 22, 2008

    Sales of existing homes fell in March on a national basis as a severe slump in housing showed no signs of abating. The median price of a home fell compared with the price a year ago across the nation. The National Association of Realtors said sales of existing single-family homes and condominiums dropped by 2 percent in March to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.93 million units.

    The median price of a home sold last month was $200,700, a decline of 7.7 percent from the median price a year ago. That was the second-biggest year-over-year price decline following a record 8.4 percent drop in February. The records go back to 1999. Keep Reading...

    Delaware Reverse Mortgages – Common Misconceptions

    John Thomas April 16, 2008 Tags: , ,
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    Delaware Reverse Mortgages – Common Misconceptions

    Delaware Reverse Mortgages allow seniors to use the equity in their home to make up for short falls in cash flow during retirement years or to eliminate a mortgage payment and free up cash flow.  Reverse Mortgages can be a very useful financial tool in the right situation. Some of the most common misconceptions regarding getting a Delaware Reverse Mortgages are outlined below. Below are some false impressions followed by Delaware Reverse Mortgages program facts.  Call 302-703-0727 to get more information or to apply for a Reverse Mortgage or APPLY ONLINE
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    Free First Time Home Buyer Seminar – Saturday April 26th at 10:00 AM

    John Thomas April 15, 2008

    There will be a Free First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Saturday, April 26, 2008, at 10:00 AM. The seminar will last about 2 hours and each participant will be able to receive a free copy of their tri-merge credit report. The seminar will cover all of the basics of buying a new home in Delaware.

    The seminar will cover Delaware FHA loans, Delaware VA loans, My Community loans, and First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs. Each participant will receive a Free Audio CD on Credit Scoring, Credit Scoring Handbook, Homebuying Handbook, and an opportunity to meet with a mortgage planner to be pre-approved to buy a home at the seminar. You will also learn the importance of credit in buying a home and learn valuable tips on how to improve your credit score. Learn what programs are available to help with down payment and closing costs.  The new loan limits for conventional and FHA will be covered as well as changes to borrowing 100% financing. Keep Reading...