FHA Case Number – What is it?

FHA Case Number – What is it?
FHA Case Number is required for every FHA loan. What is it? It is a unique number that is assigned when someone applies for an FHA Loan for either a refinance or purchase. The number is assigned when the mortgage lender or mortgage broker orders the FHA case number through the FHA website called FHA Connection. Questions on an FHA loan or need to apply for an FHA loan? Call us at 302-703-0727 or APPLY ONLINE TODAY
FHA Case Number When is it assigned and can it be transferred?
The Case Number is assigned to the borrower and the property. The FHA case number can be transferred from one borrower to another but cannot be transferred from the property. For example if you submit a purchase contract to buy property A and you apply for an FHA loan and are assigned an FHA case number, if you decide not to buy that property, then you would need to get a new FHA case number when you submit an offer to buy property B. If someone else wanted to purchase Property A then they would need to use the same FHA case number and have it transferred to their mortgage lender through FHA connection website.
FHA Case Number – How long is it good for?
The FHA Case Number is good for 6 months and then will be canceled if the loan has not been completed and closed. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) can choose to change the upfront mortgage insurance and/or the monthly mortgage insurance but releasing a mortgagee letter. The change takes effect on new case numbers assigned on or after the date of the announced effective change date. So for example if FHA announces an increase in the Monthly Mortgage Insurance to take effect on April 18th then all FHA case numbers assigned before April 18th will still be at the lower rate as long as they close within 6 months but any case numbers assigned on or After April 18th would be at the new higher amount.
What do the numbers in the FHA Case Number mean?
Delaware FHA Case numbers all start 071. The first three numbers of the FHA case number are state specific. If you already have an FHA Loan and want to find out what your FHA case number is, you can look on the FHA appraisal that was done when you purchased your home as it is on the top of every page. You can also look at the top of your mortgage note. The case number is recorded at the top of the mortgage. The mortgage is recorded with the county so you can check the recorder of deeds office in New Castle, Kent or Sussex county to get a copy of your mortgage if you can’t find the copy you got at closing.
If you would like to apply for a Delaware FHA loan you can apply by calling 302-703-0727 or you can APPLY ONLINE.
John R. Thomas – NMLS 38783
Certified Mortgage Planner – Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.
302-703-0727 DE Office / 610-906-3109 PA Office / 410-412-3319 MD Office
248 E Chestnut Hill Rd, Newark, DE 19713